Q. What is Homeopathy and how is it different from the traditional system of medicine?
It is a therapeutic system discovered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann towards the end of the 18th century. It cures the symptoms of the sick through remedies having similar symptoms. The traditional systems of medicine, on the contrary, treat them with medicines having opposite symptoms.  

Q. What is the basic principle of Homeopathy?
A. Homeopathy works on the principle of Similia Similibus Currenter (the likes cure the like) and seeks to restore complete health to the sick promptly, permanently and painlessly. 

Q. What diseases can be cured with Homeopathy?A. Homeopathy does not treat complaints according to the disease names. It treats the individuals according to the symptoms of their complaints. So its symptomatic treatment is capable of benefiting all those cases  in which structural body changes have not already taken place.

Q. Some homeopaths specifically give a list of diseases which they can cure. How far are their claims true?A. Homeopaths are not supposed to make such claims. Homeopathy is capable of addressing almost all health conditions successful, but it does it according to the symptoms and not according to the names of the diagnosed disease.

Q. Some homeopaths claim they are specialists in curing certain diseases like asthma, allergies and rheumatism,or claim to be proficient in the treatment of specific groups of the people like children, women, men and the aged.  Do specializations of this type exist in Homeopathy?A. Absolutely not.  Homeopathy is a holistic therapeutic system which must take the totality of subjective and objective symptoms of the individual from head to toe, without which it can not work.  Those who claim any type of specializations, in fact, are indirectly claiming that they are not homeopaths.

Q. Do homeopathic remedies have side-effects?A. Side-effect is a term related to those medicines which treat the disease with their primary action.  Homeopathic medicines treat the individual  with their secondary actions so this term does not apply to them.

Q. Are homeopathic remedies slow to work?A. No. On the other hand, they are very fast and start working as soon as they touch the tongue. Homeopathic remedies work faster than the medicines of any other therapeutics system in the world. They are quick to act because they work on the nerves of the tongue and do not have to reach the stomach to get assimilated into the blood streat for influencing the organism.

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